Monday, 7 July 2008

What is his great interest?

as some of you may know powys county council are in the midst of selling off their unwanted premises,mostly because they are surplus to requirements as the budget from cardiff wag does not allow pcc to employ as many people as in previous years,despite cheif exec mark kerr receiving an above inflation pay rise of 5%.
one of these said venues is located at the bottom of lant avenue and graig road.pcc have sold it to wales and west housing assoc who plan to convert it to temporay short stay accom for homeless,in prionciple a fine idea but unwarrented as llandod does not have sufficent numbers of homeless to support a six bedroom venture as their is already a family hostel at fairview.
very active in opposing these proposals is mr harold Nichols,well known tory landlord.
Now Mr Nichols used to accomadate several dss recipients during the eighties and nineties and despite still having several properties in llandod decides now not to help them by renting out his rooms to them.
we guess thats his choice,so as harold is not a resident of this area in which this venue is proposed why is he so active in generating support to oppose it?.
Perhaps hes afraid that if pcc agree to take homeless people forom outside powys and theres no temporary bolt hole fpor them and with little chance of intergrating into the community owing to the lack of available jobs they will become dss recipients and forced to be accomadated in his flats,perhaps pcc will pay harold an incentive to accomadate these people,surely not, that cant be his point of interest.

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