Sunday 15 July 2007

Heres aprint of the reactions to our letter to the Brecon and Radnor newspaper.
they include a reply from dr venter and his wife,ah bless they seemed to be hurt by our criticisms,still their £80,000 pound a year NHS contract must soften the blow of all the hard work they do for the community.And their desperate to hold on to all their money and not help the most disadvantaged in our town,I suppose being afrikaaners they are well used to two tier structures within society and picking on the weakest!
there is also a letter from a hotel worker defending his friends the economic migrants and his claims of the bad behaviour of the brew crew.We all know that they can be anti social but they are alcholics and need help.He should watch his back because it wont be long untill that hotel finds an excuse to get rid of him and find someone from central europe to take his place