Tuesday 24 March 2009

panic on the streets....

The potential of huge incivility is possible in london on the first weekend of april when the G20 summit will be taking place.
Already the metropolitan police are stepping up their awareness and preparing themselves for possible major disorder as numerous different protest groups have decided to take this oppertunity to demonstrate.
nothing wrong with that in principle and we always support the positive side of direct action and protestation,however it is already feared that groups with less peacefull demonstration type actions are going to cause a major disturbances.
The anarcho groups that were prominent in the late 90's are feared to be gearing up for a major riot.
Perhaps then it would be better for peacefull demonstation to take place around the country on these dates and not confined to the capital as some real horrors could unfold.

Monday 23 March 2009

jeaux avec frontier

Powys county councils leisure dept are greatly concerned with the fall in the number of locals using leisure facilities within the county.
They 'aim' to remedy this by increasing the price of admission to use the facilities.
Does anyone else see the fault in this 'forward thinking plan' especially at a time of serious economic hardship.
The price of an adult swim is now £2.5 an increase of 0.5p,although you can stay in the pool for as long as its open for that.
the price of a session of bowls perhaps at llandrindods international greens has gone up from £3.50 to £ 3.90 which is costly but again you can play for as long as you like for that.
When you consider these increases together with the rise in council house rent by over £4 and the near 3 % rise in council tax you would think that would easily accomadate the possible strife created by the increase in councillors allowances and expenses wouldnt you.

Monday 2 March 2009

jumped before we got him.

It is with heavy heart that we mourn the passing of our beleoved powys chief exec................
only joking.
we knew this day would come and we suspected this oaf would continue to shoot himself in the foot.
After his attempts to betray democracy and peacefull protest,his general mis management and lack of integrity it delights us to say that mark kerr has resigned over remarks in a magazine about fellow councillor members.
But is there something more sinister afoot after his last sixmonths is this a ploy to get his pay off before he was sacked.
No he wouldnt be so mischievous.
