Thursday 21 February 2008

metropole staffing policy?

heres the response from respected mirror columnist Paul Routledge to liz hurleys husband who paid a domestic he brought from india and paid her the equivilant of £1.20 an hour and she had to work over a period of seven days a week without a day off.
We have for a long time claimed that the metropole exploit the mass european migratory worker market at the expense of the local unemployed.
of course there may be other issues as to why the metropole dont employ locals!
perhaps the way they treat their staff and baird-murray will probably state that he is only maximising the oppertunity that european federalism has presented to him.
and yet Llandrindod has the highest unemployment in powys!and associated social problems such as anti social behaviour and drink related troubles.

Paul Routlegde On Why Britain Needs Fair Pay
Violet D'Souza is not alone in her plight. She is just the tip of an iceberg of exploitation in Britain today.

Despite the introduction of the National Minimum Wage, Scrooge employers still seek to get round the law and pay starvation wages to migrant labour.

And in many cases they get away with it, through fear, ignorance and bullying. The scandal only comes to light when brave people take action. Many unhappy migrants are brought into the UK by unlicensed agencies that scour the world for cheap workers, who are sometimes kept in conditions of virtual slavery. It is anybody's guess how many there are. Tony Woodley, general secretary of Unite, says: "This situation is about exploitation, not migration. Greedy bosses will take advantage of vulnerable workers if they are allowed to do so."

What we do know is that in Britain today, 1.4 million men and women don't have full employment rights because they work for agencies.

On Friday, MPs will vote on a Labour member's Bill demanding the Government signs up to a European directive giving all workers the same rights whether they are part or full time.

This proposed law would not end the scandal of immigrant workers being exploited. But it will make it harder for the corrupt traders in workpeople to make profits. That's why every Labour MP should be on parade to vote against the 21st century version of slavery.

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