Friday 7 December 2007

not all of them are without hope!

Don't just move the problem elsewhere

In response to the letter from Mr Harold Nicholls (town votes to end anarchic behaviour) in your issue of November 30, I would like to make three points:
Firstly, It would appear that we, the residents of Llandrindod, are very quick to condemn the anti-social behaviour of the people who are causing the problems in Temple and Memorial Gardens, but we are not quite as quick to recognise that they are vulnerable people with complex problems who need our compassion, help and support.

Secondly, I am not clear how giving the police extra powers to harass and, at the extreme, criminalise these people, which is what the Designated Public Places Order will do, actually addresses the cause of the problem rather than its consequences.

I firmly believe that this will make it much more difficult for the support agencies to engage with the drinkers in order to allow them to access help to address their needs.

Finally, Harold Nicholls is wrong to allege that I am in favour of the anti-social behaviour continuing.

I want the anti-social behaviour to cease completely rather than simply move it to other parts of the town.

In my view, the imposition of a DPPO will not stop people congregating in Temple Gardens, rather it is likely to exacerbate the very problem that we all want to see solved.

Cllr David Peter
County Councillor for
Llandrindod South

This is the letter appearing in this weeks county times.
Cllr Peters is the only town council member to consistently and publicy oppose the drinking ban by offering his opinion that there are social problems that create this situation and to move the 'drinkers' from one place to another will not stop anti social behaviour or cure alcoholism.
well done Cllr Peters.

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