Sunday 9 September 2007

persecution continues

the town council held a private meeting recently to try and establish a by law to ban drinking in certain areas of the town.
they consulted with various agencies including the police and powys drink and drug agency.
there is some oppositon to a by law from powys county council,which is areal suprise,they probably know it will cost money to impose.
the residentsof llandrindod have been mail shot to add their support to anti social behaviour by contacting an email address or writing to an address,however it seems the only anti social behaviour they want to get rid of is the hardcore alcoholics in the parks but not the anti social behaviour of the people running riot on weekend night.
this is persecution of people who have an illness.
heres the address below where they have asked residents to support.
email them please but let them know it is all anti social behaviour that needs adressing and not the persecution of people with an illness.

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